Our Services
Inpatient Care
Currently providing inpatient consultative service at SJOG hospital in Bunbury.
Areas of expertise include:
Orthopaedic (bone and joint) infections
Diabetic foot infections
Chronic wound infections
Infection in the immunocompromised
Infections due to multi-resistant organisms (e.g. MRSA, VRE, multi-resistant Gram-negative infections)
Infection in returned travellers
Outpatient Service
We currently accept referrals from GPs and specialists regarding diagnostic, assessment, and management of complex infective issues. Experience in but not limited to: management of chronic and recurrent infections such as viral hepatitis, HIV, recurrent skin and soft tissue infection, recurrent urinary tract infection, and Respiratory tract infection.
Home Intravenous Antibiotics
Some infections will require a longer course of intravenous antibiotics, for up to six weeks, but may not require you to stay in hospital. Working with various outpatient nursing services, we can provide careful and regular monitoring to ensure that the course of therapy is effective, while reducing side effects and complications.